Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Fooled by Certainty

Everyone wants a clear and definite answer for a question. Anyone who speaks in a definite ýes’ or ‘no’ is preferred to someone who says ‘may be’. Most of us are taught that knowledge is meant to make people discern what is right and what is wrong or to choose the best from a given set of choices. Education is often meant to prepare students to develop the faculty to know or at least to choose the right answer. More so in the last quarter of a century when most examination questions are in the form of choosing from multiple options. People build convictions around things and experiences, at times too quickly and at times slowly.

Most people prefer to live in a world of binaries- yes or no; black or white. That’s comfortable, efficient and even considered the right way to live. Most of the crucial life decisions are based on such binaries. You either pass or fail a test and there is nothing in between. In most games, you either win or lose, though some games are occasionally drawn. Hardly any sports lover wants it that way. Every one wants a winner and at least one loser at the end of the game; in fact, most games produce more losers than winners. If the game hasn’t produced a winner at the end of the stipulated time, find a way to clinch the deal in favor of one. Even a ‘sudden death’ is preferable to a drawn game! Football lovers like penalty shoot outs and sudden death rather than their blood pressure shooting up in the anxiety of uncertainty.

Yes, there are opposing forces and contrasting realities in the world we live. Yet, human experiences are not always like day and night. It is not that on a given day we have equal measure of pleasure and pain. It is not that a given academic test cut off indicates success or failure. It is not that some people are honest and others are crooks. It is often that some are less honest than others or some are less crooked than others. Real life is more often being tentative or ‘uncertain’ rather than being certain.

Dig a bit deeper and you will find that this world of binaries is a highly over-simplified and often imaginary world. In the real world everyone is a winner at times and loser at other times. But we still prefer to label people as either winners or losers; good or bad. That makes choices easy for us. It is easy for us to cast our vote for a ‘good’ candidate or to choose a ‘good’ school for our children. Or even create a clear caste system of preferences, perceptions and labels for people around us and beyond our vicinity. That sounds almost like analyzing anything in the world in a four-quadrant BCG matrix (introduced first by Boston Consulting Group) or grouping the destinies of all the people in the world under 12 zodiac signs or all the people in the world into 16 ‘personality types’ using the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).

None of us can escape the craving for certainty. Probably our ancestors faced a world of greater uncertainties and by generations of mutations and civilizations we have evolved to cut out uncertainties from our mind by consciously pulling things into clear boxes, definitions and belief systems. Yet, we are all certain that we live in an uncertain world! Well, who lived in world of certainty, ever?

Dealing with uncertainty has become a required competence for leadership today. While one has practically no escape from uncertainty, getting comfortable with uncertainty is the harder part. Just as the ‘unknown’ is the bigger field of knowledge, ‘uncertainty’ provides greater meaning to life.  

Suspend certainty. Be tentative. Be tender, rather than solid like a rock! Certainty is a path to delusion. Certainty is often suspension of knowledge than expression of knowledge. The more we know about something the less certain we are about it. Certainly, I am not claiming to be certain about that, though!

‘The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.’ – Erich Fromm, Renowned psychoanalyst and philosopher of 20th Century

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The Annual Performance Anxiety

The annual performance appraisals are in striking distance from now. Bulk of the employees are not amused as much as the companies are convinced of their performance appraisal systems. Most of them consider it as an unnecessary ordeal rather than a cordial exchange of feedback.  

Every organization- be it a profit oriented business, community organization, school, not for profit organization, sports administration body - to be effective needs to measure and manage performance of its people. Everyone knows as much; yet no one knows what works always. That is probably because nothing works always and everywhere. Peter Drucker said, ‘what is measured improves’. However, measuring is not managing. Managing performance of people has always been hard. Despite all sophisticated systems of performance measurement, companies still want the employee to ‘discuss’ performance with the manager. Performance discussions are at times dreaded and often causes anxiety for the employees.

Even the most consummate artiste undergoes some amount of anxiety before very performance or a live show. If that be the case what to talk about ordinary folks who go about doing their work day in or night out, when asked to appear for the ‘annual performance show(down)’? For the average employee when a day’s job is done it is done and dusted. Why make a cumulative obituary of all those activities and stake a claim for the next salary raise? That would appear more like over time working. To her the boss or the intelligent machine that records her daily job should make out what it means to work for 12 months. Why wait till the end of the year to give feedback? There is always some system to track you when something goes wrong, if not instantly at least after a short lag time. So why is it that the same system or similar system not able to track when things are going right?

Not that all companies aren’t doing this. Many of the business process management or BPO companies monitor and record transactions instantly and even customer feedback registered live online. They even have video footages for the facial expressions of the service executives. They may not need the year end exercise to decide on the performance level of the employee. But, such companies are a few in number. For most companies an honest employee needs to still prove her performance credentials on the PMS workflow when there is enough evidence for what she has done well and what she goofed up? Now, let’s imagine that the company doesn’t have good systems and the manager was too busy to take note of the performance of his team members. The solution to that has to come from the company and the manager’s end rather than subjecting the employee to defend her case for a rating and a salary rise. 

Here we are assuming that the manager is the villain of the story. That is not quite true as well. The manager is equally anxious about holding a performance review meeting with his team member or the board or even the venture capitalists. Often such meetings are not very easy and at worst turn out to be unpleasant and ugly arguments, emotional exchanges or a plain drama of masked characters. Both parties may want to avoid a confrontation and move on. The manager will have a succession list ready and the employee will have his resume up on job sites or with discreet head hunters.
Of course, what is written here is a caricature of performance appraisal meeting that tends to make everyone a victim. That cannot be entirely true.

All the talk about companies abandoning the bell curve and annual appraisals etc., needs to be viewed more critically. End of the day, hardly any organization can function successfully without periodic performance reviews and rewards linked to performance. Whether it is going to be annual, quarterly, monthly or project-wise is a matter of frequency and state of the engagement. Whether the system will have a three-point rating or five-point rating scale too is a matter of convenience. Whether there is a formal guidance on a certain percentage distribution of ratings or an informal way of managing the distribution is a matter of maturity of the system. These are not the most critical aspects of a well functioning performance management system.

A well-functioning Performance Management System will have more number of employees aligned to the goals of the organization. Breaking down these to measurable performance indicators is by no means an easy task. Some of those would be highly measurable and some of them may be loosely measurable and yet others will be just felt or perceived but not measured at all. That calls for management judgement and empathy applied judiciously. Abdicating such management responsibilities and thinking that a new system will cure all ills of performance in the organization is foolhardy. Performance management is more like a performing art than like a measurement system. Time to go back to basics and listen to Peter Drucker again: “The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.”

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Talking on Thin Ice: The Davos Diarrhea

Your boss or boss’s big boss would have just gotten back from Davos. If you find them more responsive or responsible don’t blame them. It is the Davos effect. After all, they have taken pains to travel to the Alps and endure the snowy cold weather while attending the World Economic Forum meet which they have been attending year after year regardless of what happens to the company or the economy. All for the noble cause of making a ‘new world order’.

The theme for the 2017 WEF meet was “Responsive and Responsible Leadership”. Well, the theme is not meant for the 3000 odd attendees of the Forum. They are very responsive and responsible. By the very fact that they attend such important global meet they are responsive and responsible. Obviously, the idea is to make the rest of the leaders who haven’t attended the Forum more responsive and responsible. All these poor people who attend more than 400 official sessions in a span of four days must be really struggling to pick and choose from the competing sessions based on the topics discussed. Truly each topic merits everyone’s attention. We need to appreciate the physical inability of our great leaders to be present at multiple places the same time. However, ordinary folks like us might ask as to how do they choose from the 400 official sessions and so many unofficial but extremely important meetings by the fireside, at the hotel lobbies and in the corridors. I understood that these brilliant people use two thumb rules to resolve such dilemma. 1. Don’t go by the topic (because everything is equally important); instead go by the speaker profile. That solves half the problem. 2. Ask ‘what is in it for me?’ to find out a potential reference for business, a potential client, high media exposure or a combination of all or some of these. The new world order can wait for some time.

All these 3000 leaders are ‘global’ luminaries in their own fields- business, politics, economics (little bit), science, academics and social sectors. Therefore, lot of stress is on globalization of trade, global peace, global warming, health, welfare, inclusive growth, gender equality and many such noble motherhood ideas. This year’s star attraction was the Chinese President Xi Jinping who surprisingly became the new champion for globalization. The absence of Obama and the shadow of Trump would have provided some useful space to Jinping. Who knows, next year it could be North Korean President who will speak about globalization. Everyone wants globalization so long as their own national interest is ‘protected’. Mr. Trump is championing globalization too provided all Americans buy only American goods and all American companies make their goods in America.

Coming back to the theme of the 2017 Forum, it is unreasonable to think that in a week’s time the world leadership would become responsive and responsible. Let’s give them some time to implement all those big ideas came up in the 400 sessions. After all, the world takes a little over 365 days to take a revolution around the sun. No less. Have some patience. We also need to be empathetic to these leaders. Some eight of the rich people (not sure all of those have attended the meet this year, they are very busy people) control more than half of the global private wealth. It may not be wrong to assume that together the 3000 attendees of WEF 2017 must be controlling about 85% of global wealth and political clout. When they have such onerous responsibility on their shoulders they can’t be responsive to the satisfaction of 7.5 billion people. It is for the rest of us to take care of all such small things.

Leave aside the latest episode. Let’s look at the themes of the previous five WEF meets. Perhaps history may shed some light into the future. In 2012 the theme was, ‘The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models’ whatever that may mean. Have you seen any great transformation around? I haven’t. May be one ought to look within; all transformation ought to start with oneself. The theme for 2013 was, ‘Resilient Dynamism’! You figure out what that means. In 2014 it was like a theme song, ‘The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business’. Can you ask for more? In 2015 it got short and sweet to read ‘New Global Context’. And in 2016 it got catchy saying ‘Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution’. What have you got other than iPhone-7 and Nougat OS?

Don’t get cynical. The world is changing and probably becoming a better (no spelling mistake here) place to live, work and play. All due to the 3000 great leaders meeting, eating and talking under freezing conditions in a country that anyone who would admit to be a beautiful place. Let the entourage happen year after year until SpaceX takes all of us to Mars.

Skating on thin ice won’t take you far. The verbal diarrhea at Davos is like talking on thin ice!

I cannot end this piece without quoting what a celebrated Economist of our times had to say about the who’s who of the Davos brigade. “I called them the International Association of Namedroppers. They think it’s their mission to solve a problem they don’t understand.”- Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happiness in the Times of De-monetization

The season of happiness seems to have many reasons to cheer even in these times of de-monetization. First, it started almost two weeks back or if one can stretch may be three months ago, with the festival season now culminating or continuing with the new year Eve, Adam and their great grandchildren. Second, the pains of ‘de-mon’ effect is waning, at least emotionally. Who doesn’t like a long spell of happy season?

The flow of happiness, of course, comes in many ways and on multiple channels. FaceBook and Whatsapp appear to be the most popular channels of the new year happiness. E-mail and SMS have lost out as mediums of happiness, much the same way the post cards and greeting cards of yester years. Since, I belong to the Boomer generation, I got a few greeting cards and less than five messages on SMS during this happy season. Even the change of medium is a reason to be happy. Sending and receiving happy messages have become ever more easy for even the dumb people with smart phones. Most of us only do smart forwards received from other smart people who have in turn got them from yet other smart friends. When we want to reply to others we have many options too depending on our mood and time at hand. We can use our own selfies, pictures, videos, images or emoji’s. Text is very sparingly and boringly used.

Here are a few things that made me happy this season.

Couple of weeks back I decided to bury my old iPhone in memory of the late Steve Jobs and bought a One Plus3 T phone. I am still learning the tricks on the new gizmo run on Android. Android brings an array of symbols previously unknown to the Steve loyalists. The reason for happiness was found when my son told me that this new phone has two sim card slots. At first I thought this may be a safety feature for a fast running engine just as a twin-engine airplane is safer than a single engine aircraft. Surely getting a phone with two SIM card slots and a host of other features (many of them I may not use in my lifetime) at less than half the price I would have paid for Mr. Cook’s new phone is a happiness enhancing thing that happened to me.

Then I heard about the ‘Happy New Year’ offer by Reliance Jio. My new phone has an empty SIM slot available and a generous billionaire is offering 4G data and calls free until 31st March 2017. What a perfect coincidence! I went to the Reliance Digital store nearby and the subscription was hassle-free too. No paper work; no documentation. All what they wanted was my Aadhar card number and my thumb impression. Like Eklavya, I offered my thumb (albeit impression only) on the biometric platter, to the billionaire. My genetic code and personal data are now with a private billionaire. Is that scary? No. What am I going to do with my genetic code? Nothing. Rent it out and get free data and voice! For now, I am happy. I may worry about it later at leisure. But my Guruji told me that happiness is in the ‘present’. So, I accepted the new year ‘present’ from Mr. Billionaire. Unlimited free calls and all time free data even for a limited period is cause for great happiness.

I thought this was truly a good way of happiness during the new year season, when you are at the receiving end. All others or most others while wishing us ‘happy new year’ and assorted nice words, phrases, images and even poetry do not think a bit in terms of what ‘I will do for you to enhance your happiness in the new year’. The responsibility ends with a small text message or a smiley. No further expectation till next new year eve. Period.

My friend sent me a recent post that says all those who are unhappy are so for the same reasons! That was quite illuminating. In a nutshell, it says people are unhappy because they have either high expectations or wrong expectations. The corollary of that statement must also be true as well. People are happy because their expectations are low or they have the right expectations. I carry that as a take away for the new year.

What made you happy this new year season?

P.S. "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam